Earned Media vs. Paid Media vs. Owned Media


This content originally appeared on Raidious.com, published September 28th, 2009.

Earned Media vs. Paid Media vs. Owned Media


In the past, there were basically two approaches to marketing services: earned media (PR) and paid media (advertising).

More recently we’ve seen the rise of owned media.

What’s the difference? It’s mostly about Control.

Earned media: Getting someone else to provide content about you on a media platform they own and control. Also known as Public Relations.

Paid Media: Paying someone to include your message alongside their content, on media they own and control. Also known as Advertising.

Owned Media: Providing your own content on media platforms you own and control.

Raidious deals only with owned media – we help you provide the content for the media platforms you own and control – email, blogs, social media, web video, mobile devices, and more.



UPDATE: Recently found this article from Forrester Research, apparently they’ve been looking into this. Good information.